Friday, July 15, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 61

“Cult of Personality” Icon Part 2 - Sonic the Hedgehog #63

So when we left off last review, Sonic and Tails had met Jack the Rabbit and his group of Freedom Fighters. Believing them to be friends, Jack had tricked them into staying at Sandblast City. However they quickly became prisoners under the town’s electric force field.    


Jack wanted use Sonic as an insurance policy against the Robians. Needless to say, things didn’t work out too well for him and his city when Sonic broke the force field to escape.


I know it sound’s like he’s just making the usual generic empty threats that most villains make. But Jack is one of the few who’ll follow through, and his revenge plan involves a certain rabbit cyborg friend of Sonic’s.

Oh and Snively, along with the other traitors, manage to make a jail break.


The second story for this issue is a continuation of the Geoffrey’s story from last issue. Only with some of Max’s abusive douchebaggery with his daughter thrown into the mix.


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