Monday, July 25, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 66

“Shadows in the Dark” Lupe and the Wolf Pack part I -Sonic the Hedgehog #67

Not a whole lot going on in this story I just wanted to point out a few things. 

First, the wolf pack is returning to their own home and says goodbye. 
I like this exchange because it just builds off of what I was talking about last review. In order for the world to feel more believable than the characters need to interact with other characters outside of an established group. Not only does this scene show that Sally and Lupe are friends, but that Lupe must also be acquaintances with Antoine as well.   

The second point? Bunnie shows up. We haven’t seen her in like forever it feels. 
She and Sally talk about Sonic’s upcoming birthday. We’ll discuss it more when it actually happens, but this is only the second time Sonic’s birthday has been mentioned in the comic. Even though it feels like it’s been longer than a year since then.   

Last thing to cover is Lupe tells us how she met the FFs in flash back form. Turns out Antoine was involved.  
How much involvement he had will be discussed later in a different issue. (and it won’t be pretty viewers)   

The rest of the issue has parody of Indianian Jones. (which, fun fact, is a homage to Uncle Scrooge comics in of itself so we’ve come full circle) It features a convenient flashback to get ya’ll up to speed on what was skipped over during this retrospective. 
Anyways the whole point of the story is to introduce “the ring of acorns” which can grant wishes and is more powerful than other rings. Even though we already have the 1 billionth ring. 

Like the Source of All, the ring of acorns is an unnecessary, convoluted piece of mythology that winds up being redundant. But it least it accomplishes something. Even though said plot point could have been more elegantly achieved if the writers had expanded up the powers of the billionth ring instead of ignoring continuity and shoehorning in their own pointless macguffins.      

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